​​​​​​​​​​Gift Day and Church Anniversary

Sunday 9th March - 10:00 am

​​Next Sunday will be our Church Anniversary and our annual Gift Day.
Please see the letter from Rev Eleanor Jackson attached to the newsletter email this week or paper copies at the back of the
church. Gift Aid forms are also available at the back of the church. Donations can be made online or using the envelopes that will be in the pews next week.

Minor Hall Closure

​7th - 10th April

The Minor Hall will be out of use whilst some making good and consequential redecoration takes place.

For more events and notices please view the newsletter found above

Morning Worship  - 10:00 am​

Sunday 2nd March 2024

​Rev Diane Smith

Contemplative Worship - 7:00 pm

Sunday 2nd March 2024

​Via Zoom

All Age Worship - 10:00 am

​Sunday 9th March 2024

​Miss Helen Thomas

​Junior Church - 10:00 am

Contemplative Worship - 7:00 pm

​Sunday 9th March 2024

​Via Zoom

Upcoming Services


Welcome to

Upminster Methodist Church

Rev Rohama Asif (revrohama@yahoo.com)